NPI/Medical is pleased to announce a sales representative partnership with Marketing Technologies, LLC. NPI/Medical, a leading provider of New Product Introductions within the medical device, healthcare and life sciences segments, established this partnership to expand the Ansonia, Conn.-based company’s reach in the western United States.

“I am very pleased to announce this strategic partnership,” said Randy Ahlm, NPI/Medical CEO. “Marketing Technologies is an ideal partner for NPI/Medical’s market expansion to the western United States. The addition of their team to NPI/Medical is in line with our commitment to grow our customer base in the medtech hotbeds of Colorado and Utah.”

Marketing Technologies has a “commitment to excellence along with their value proposition of providing complete service from prototype to production fits well within our business model,” Ahlm said.

“Their strong presence in medical devices fully compliments the broad range of New Product Introductions and solutions that we currently offer our customer base,” he said.

Mark McIntyre, Principal of Marketing Technologies, said the partnership matches up well.

“NPI/Medical’s portfolio of capabilities fits well within our expertise and we look forward to representing NPI/Medical to medical device and healthcare companies in the Rocky Mountain states,” McIntyre said.